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House Plans by Donald Gardner

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Strategic Leadership for Schools: Creating and Sustaining Productive Change

Strategic Leadership for Schools: Creating and Sustaining Productive Change.
Mauriel, John J.; And Others
Administrator Effectiveness; Central Office Administrators; Change Strategies; Elementary Secondary Education; Leadership Responsibility; School Administration; Superintendents;
Journal/Source Name:
Journal Citation:
Peer Reviewed:
Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104-1310 ($27.95).
Publication Date:
Pub Types:
Reports - Evaluative; Books; Guides - Non-Classroom
Success in leading a public school system today requires the school executive to guide multiple stakeholders, including parents, educators, and students, toward the development, acceptance, and achievement of worthwhile educational goals. This book delineates the skills needed for this task and provides help in developing them. Part 1, with six chapters, describes how to identify a strategic plan for a school system and how to think about strategic leadership. Chapter 1 provides a framework for understanding and applying the strategic leadership concept to school districts. Chapter 2 discusses 11 major issues and problems facing today's schools. Chapter 3 provides a framework for identifying and organizing key environmental trends shaping public education. Chapter 4 presents a process for assessing a school district's strengths, weaknesses, resources, and capabilities. Chapter 5 examines the market for school services and examines how specific market research tools and techniques can aid school executives. Chapter 6 outlines a process for developing and implementing a strategic plan. Part 2 summarizes the intricacies involved in implementing a plan, including stakeholder politics, consensus building, and strategies for involving others. The three chapters in part 3 examine how to change strategic direction and how to assess results of a strategic plan's implementation. Topics include transitional leadership methods, accountability systems, and future directions for strategically managed school districts. An index is included. (MLH)